Thursday, August 18, 2011

Unit 4 Renaissance Arts/ Music

Assignment 3.  Form a Renaissance Band

After viewing and listening to the Renaissance instruments, choose three that you think would work together in a band.  Create text for an album cover to describe your band.  Cover as many of these points as you can:

--name your band
--name the three instruments
--describe the way each instrument looks
--tell what instrument family each belongs to (woodwind, brass, string, percussion)
--tell what contemporary instrument is similar
--describe the way each instrument sounds
--explain why you selected the instruments you did, using at least three elements of music you studied in Unit 2. (ex: rhythm, tempo, melody, harmony, timbre)

Make your text lively and fun, since this will be an advertisement for your band.


The Second Psaltery is band that rocks Renaissance with two psalteries, one transverse flute, and a gamba. The lead instrument, a transverse flute, stirs up the melodic line.  This wind instrument will be new to your eyes and ears as well. It has a clear, reedy timbre and its six holes that can span two octaves. The flute is backed up by two psalteries.  These medium-sized sound boxes look a lot like dulcimers, and when the second psaltery is added, some serious harmony starts to happen. When they're plucked by hand their guitar-like sound makes a perfect contrast to the opening flute.  The back-up instrument, a gamba, looks like a small cello. It sneaks in a mellow rhythm to round off an amazing sound.

Note: This assignment was easy and fun, and sort of a hands-on way to learn about a few Renaissance instruments.  I just took a few minutes to re-read the descriptions of all the instruments and picked three that might work together.  I liked having the option of of naming the band and picking out a type font that worked with the Renaissance theme.  The description felt like it needed an image, so I did an image search for "psaltery" and added that. The most difficult part of this assignment for me was remembering to work in some of the elements of music.                                

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